Hello and welcome to what we hope will be an exciting new year of rallies. As I am sure you’ll already know by now, we are now officially The Cumbria and North Lancashire Centre and the first 2 centres in the Country to join forces in this way.As always, we have venues that are tried and tested, but also something new in the program to try. Why not try the Northern Centres Rally (it’s back to its original name) and Clubfest (what used to be the National Rally). For all this I must thank the Rally Officers and Bev, our Rally Secretary, for arranging and running these events, they don’t just happen! I would also like to highlight that everyone involved in running rallies, and the Centre are all volunteers; no-one is paid.Whilst thanking people, I must thank the members of the Committee, all of whom were on one of the 2 Centres committees before the amalgamation. It is them, and those who retired at the AGM last October, who have made this new Centre organisation work so effectively.We still have places on the Committee and we are always looking for new Rally Officers. If you are even vaguely interested, please speak to a current Committee member or Rally Officer, or contact me by email with any questions you may have at chairman@cumbria-centre.co.uk.I’m sure that you have all heard about the Club’s Regions; they are now called Divisions and have more devolved powers that previously only Headquarters had. It will have little impact on what we as a Centre and you as Ralliers do but their Website and Facebook pages have information on the whole of the North of England. You can find them at https://northerndivisioncamc.co.uk.I have now been Centre Chairman for 6 years and it is high time that I retired; not that I haven’t tried, but we really need a Vice-Chairman first who will follow through to become Chairman next year. If that sounds like a role you would be interested in, get in touch with me as soon as possible; the longer you are on the Committee, the more experience you will gain before taking over.I hope you enjoy your journeys, wherever they may take you.